Copyright © 2023-2024 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Supported Platform: ------------------- * Intel x86_64 * CentOS Linux 7 * No AVX, AVX, AVX2 * RPM version 4.11.3 or higher * man 2.6.3 or higher * tar 1.26 or higher * sha256sum 8.22 or higher Following steps will help with the installation of HLS tools. * Please ensure your platform is supported ( See above) * Download HLS tools tar file for CentOS Linux 7 from Apple Developer portal. * Generate SHA256 hash for the downloaded tar file and compare it with checksum listed on developer portal. * If hash matches, untar the file and run from the terminal. * Review license agreement and proceed with the installation. * HLS tools can be uninstalled by running ' -e' * Please refer to for more information about the tools.